Zombie Ritual Radio

Zombie Ritual 103

Episode Summary

103rd episode of our weekly extreme metal show! New episodes air Saturday nights at 7pm ET USA on www.97underground.com

Episode Notes

Ritual Sacrifice - Inhuman

Hath - Apparition

Crypta - From the Ashes

Nocturnal Hollow - Consumed by the Storm

Fates of Death - Fates of Death

Slaughter - FOD (Fuck of Death)

Fleshbore - Embers Gathering

Blazon Rite - Into the Expanse

Rezet - Populate Delete Repeat

Tetrarch - You Never Listen

Worm Shepard - Chasm Dweller

Death - Jealousy

Judas Priest - One Shot at Glory

Go Ahead and Die - Roadkill

Possessed - Graven

Fear Factory - Recode

The Harvest Trail - Hunter

Ripper - Experiment of Existence

Coroner - Shifter

Kataklysm - Where the Enemy SleepsĀ